We’ve moved!
Fra' Francesco | Posted on |

The Capuchin fathers, after ten years absence, wishing the Taggia convent to continue the religious life for the glory of God, the good of souls and the joy of the Tabesiens, have generously offered us their house. Saint Francis, who had been housed by the Benedictine monks who lived on the Assisi plain, has given lodgings to some poor Benedictines in thanks from the heights of Heaven.
We have been welcomed officially by the bishop of Ventimiglia on august 24 2019. He addressed a word to the numerous faithful who came, to members of the municipality, to the authority of the “carabinieri”, to the neighbours and friends.
See the movie (Copyright Riviera Time TV)
The words of our bishop comforted and filled us with joy, here is a translation of a passage of his answers to a journalist from Riviera Time:
«As I have already had the opportunity to say, it is with joy and gratitude that I welcome as a gift from Our Lord this community in our diocese; It is a small group, I hope that the number of monks dedicated to the Lord and to prayer will grow, and that the religious life of the monastery will develop. The Benedictine monks dedicated their lives to prayer, study and manual work in an atmosphere of peace, silence, and charity. This church therefore will be open to all who want to join in the prayer. Masses will be celebrated in Gregorian chant and according to the traditional rite. I believe that their presence in our diocese, with their characteristic of being guardians and witnesses of the oldest tradition of the Church, can do good for all the faithful of our diocese. And above all I am happy to have here a place of prayer and a point of reference for people who want spiritual guidance and to approach the sacrament of confession, or who simply want to find a place of peace to pray.»
As you know, the monks consecrate their life to prayer, study and manual labour. They live in an atmosphere of silence, peace and fraternal charity. They seek the company of God, his angels, and the very Holy Mary. Their only apostolate is prayer. The monks are the quiet finger pointing to Heaven, the persevering prayer, certain that another world exists of which this one here is only an image which foreshadows and prefigures it.
«Monasteries are silent fingers pointing towards Heaven, an unyielding, uncompromising reminder that there is another world, of which this one is only a picture which announces and prefigures the other.» (Dom Gérard Calvet)
The church is open to all who wish to gather there, unite themselves with the prayer of the monks and adore Our Lord present in the tabernacle. The Office is celebrated in Latin and Gregorian chant and the Mass according to the traditional rite. We receive communion on the tongue and preferably kneeling. It is important to come here dressed modestly and according to the tradition of the Church, it is desirable that women have the heads covered.
If you wish to meet a monk or go to confession, you can ask at the gatehouse.
(the banking details are in the column to the right)
The monks thank you with all their heart and will not forget you or your families in their prayer.