Fra' Francesco | Posted on |

Following the Motu Proprio Traditionis custodes of July 16, 2021 and the response to the dubia of the Congregation for Divine Worship of December 4, 2021 (promulgated on December 18):
We, Benedictine monks of the Immaculate, of the Monastery of Saint Catherine of Siena in Taggia founded on August 1, 2008 by Bishop Mario Oliveri, erected as an Institute of consecrated life of diocesan law on March 21, 2017, and transferred to the diocese of Ventimiglia-Sanremo on November 18, 2020 by decree of the bishop of the diocese, Mgr Antonio Suetta, have promised to be faithful to our Constitutions approved by the Holy See and on which we have taken the sacred vows of religion. In particular, as stipulated in the prologue, we committed ourselves before God and before the Church to always keep “the liturgy of the Mass, celebrated as [our] proper rite, both outside and inside the monastery, according to the more than a thousand-year-old and “never abrogated”(motu proprio Summorum Pontificum) form of the Holy Roman Church , in its Latin language and its Gregorian chant ”; this solemn commitment includes the use of ancient Roman rituals and pontificals as evidenced by the ordination ceremonies since the beginning of our foundation; all this out of fidelity to the Catholic theology formulated by the Council of Trent which, by definitively fixing the “canons” of the rite of the Mass, raised an insurmountable barrier against any heresy which could undermine the integrity of the mystery of the Holy Mass. As Bishop Antonio Suetta publicly stated on television on August 24, 2021, we are “the guardians and witnesses of the most ancient Tradition of the Church”. This is how, and not otherwise, we will remain faithful, no matter what.
May the Supreme Pontiff be enlightened in his function of Vicar of Christ by the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary Immaculate, so that the Catholic faith in its purity and the liturgy and Tradition which is its guarantee may all once again shine in the eyes of the world and for the salvation of souls, and that all the assaults of error and corruption against the Holy Church be crushed.
Given in Taggia, December 21, 2021, on the feast of St. Thomas, Apostle.